Wood Properties
Below you will find a list of the different types of wood we use, or have used to create our hand made wooden wands and the properties associated with each wood. We have also included a few interesting facts about each type of wood along with a measurement of the wood hardness, which is a good indicator of weight. If you are looking for a wand that has a lot of weight to it you might choose a wood with a high hardness number such as Rosewood or Oak. For more information on wood hardness please click here. If there is a specific wood you would like to know more about, or have any questions on choosing the wood best suited for you, please send us an email with your questions.
Please note: Wood is an organic material and there are differences from tree to tree and even differences within the same tree.
To see an example of a wand made from a specific type of wood just click the name of the wood or visit The Wand Shop.
Red Alder (Alnus rubra)
Charm, leadership, bravery, blocking unwanted forces, spirituality, divination and healing. In Ireland, cutting down an Alder tree was once a punishable offense. Native Americans used Alder infusions to treat tuberculosis. Natural Habitat - Western North America Wood Hardness - 590 |
Apple (Malus domestica)
Healing, divination, peace, harmony, fertility and love. The origin of modern apples can be traced back to Central Asia and have been cultivated for 1000's of years. Today, apple trees are found world wide and are one of the most common fruits on the planet. Natural Habitat - Central Asia Wood Hardness - 1730 |
White Ash (Fraxinus americana)
Protection, healing, communication, intelligence, knowledge, focus, spirituality, love, justice and wisdom. In Norse mythology Yggdrasil, the father of all trees was an ash. The Druids considered ash the most ‘magical’ of all trees. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1320 |
Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides)
Divination, communication, eloquence, intuition, meditation, protection and patience. Aspen leaves have the distinct appearance of shimmering or rustling in the wind. This can have a mesmerizing effect and has given rise to stories of people disappearing while standing under them into the 'Land of Faerie'. Natural Habitat - Northern North America Wood Hardness - 350 |
Basswood (Tilia americana)
Creativity, enchantments, enlightenment, truth, healing and love. Also known as Tilia, linden or lime trees, they can live up to 2000 years old. Basswood trees are the national emblem of Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and the Sorbs. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 410 |
European Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Wisdom, knowledge, focus, divination, healing, meditation and protection. Norse legend says the very first Runes were made of Beech wood. Beech trees do not like urban areas do to high levels of pollutants in the air. Natural Habitat - Europe Wood Hardness - 1450 |
Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
Cleansing, healing, rebirth, protection, blocking unwanted forces, creativity, leadership, loyalty, luck, wealth and willpower. The Celts believed that birch was the favourite tree of faeries and other mythical creatures. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1260 |
Bloodwood (Brosimum rubescens)
Amplification, focus, divination, strength and healing. Named for its deep blood red colour, bloodwood can also range from dark orange to a deep reddish brown. Natural Habitat - South American Tropics Wood Hardness - 2900 |
Bocote (Cordia elaeagnoides)
Rebirth, spirituality, creativity, healing, intelligence, summoning, detection and peace. Due to it highly figured nature, Bocote is often used for its aesthetic attributes such as bookmatching and in musical instruments. Natural Habitat - Central & South America Wood Hardness - 2010 |
Bubinga (Guibourtia demeusei)
Love, spirituality, healing, divination, intuition and insight. Bubinga trees grow near rivers, streams and swamps. Besides the base properties, Bubinga is a good wood for overall general spell work as it has extremely positive energies. Natural Habitat - African Tropics Wood Hardness - 2410 |
Canarywood (Centrolobium paraense)
Charm, spirituality, creativity, clarity, healing and strength. The heartwood of canarywood can vary from pale yellow to a deep orange with streaks of green, red, blue, purple, brown and even black. Natural Habitat - South America Wood Hardness - 1520 |
Aromatic Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
Purity, protection, healing, cleansing, blocking unwanted forces, divination, spirituality, summoning and vitality. Technically part of the Juniper family, it is named for its wonderful scent. It is also one of the first trees to grow in an area that has been cleared or burnt. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 900 |
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani)
Protection, cleansing, healing, communication, divination, blocking unwanted forces, knowledge, luck, spirituality, summoning and vitality. Cedar of Lebanon is a 'true' Cedar and is mentioned in the Bible as being used to build Solomon's Temple. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 820 |
Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata)
Harmony, healing, protection, prosperity, wealth, growth, clarity, spirituality, divination and luck. Like Aromatic Cedar, is it not a true 'Cedar', but is in fact part of the Cypress family. Natural Habitat - Pacific Northwest Wood Hardness - 350 |
Chakte Kok (Sickingia salvadorensis)
Focus, clarity, courage, truth, meditation and insight. Often referred to as 'Redheart', Chakte Kok can range in colour from light orange or pink to a dark red and brown. Natural Habitat - Central America Wood Hardness - 1210 |
Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
Love, divination, healing, focus, amplification, binding, detection and insight. The leaves and seeds are poisonous if eaten by animals. Once digested they release a form of cyanide. Black Cherry is one of the premier woods in American cabinetry. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America & parts of Mexico Wood Hardness - 950 |
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)
Love, clarity, meditation, focus, healing and justice. Chestnuts have been a staple in many European and East Asian countries for millennia, each having their own variation n how to roast and cook them. It is believed that the Greeks survived their retreat from Asia Minor in 400 BC due to their large reserves of chestnuts. Natural Habitat - South East Europe & Asia Minor Wood Hardness - 680 |
Cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa)
Protection, blocking unwanted forces, knowledge, luck, growth and acquisition. Part of the Rosewood family, Cocobolo can have a wide colour range from yellows and reds, to dark browns with purple and black streaks. Natural Habitat - Central America Wood Hardness - 2960 |
Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Longevity, protection, healing, prosperity, binding, divination and luck. Cypress trees can be extremely long lived. Some have been estimated at over 1500 years old. Natural Habitat - South Eastern United States Wood Hardness - 510 |
African Ebony (Diospyros crassiflora)
Power, purity, balance, protection and luck. Ebony is non-discriminating and channels all types of energy for any purpose. It is believed to be the most powerful of all magical woods. African Ebony or Gabon Ebony is the darkest and blackest of all woods. Natural Habitat - Central West Africa Wood Hardness - 3080 |
Makassar Ebony (Diospyros celebica)
Power, purity, balance, protection and luck. Ebony is non-discriminating and channels all types of energy for any purpose. It is believed to be the most powerful of all magical woods. Natural Habitat - Island of Sulawesi, Indonesia Wood Hardness - 3220 |
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
Focus, fertility, rebirth, spirituality, summoning and healing. Often referred to as one of the 'home of the faeries’. Its leaves can be dried, ground, and made into a tea. The inner bark can be spun into thread, string and rope. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 860 |
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Protection, cleansing, blocking unwanted forces, creativity, rebirth and longevity. Douglas Fir's are the favourite trees of spotted owls, in which they make their nests. Natural Habitat: Pacific Northwest Wood Hardness - 620 |
Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Healing, spirituality, enchantment, enlightenment, meditation, leadership and protection. The Aztecs combined the resin of the Sweet Gum with tobacco and used it for smoking in the court of the Emperor. This resin was described in 1651 by a Spanish naturalist as 'liquid amber'. Natural Habitat - South Eastern United States Wood Hardness - 850 |
Hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli)
Enchantment, protection, blocking unwanted forces, creativity, charm, purity, love and spirituality. Hawthorns were once believed to be the transformed bodies of Witches, who had shapeshifted into tree form. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1040 |
Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)
Healing, cleansing, strength and perseverance. Hemlock trees are one of the most shade tolerant trees in North America. They can withstand very heavy snow falls and ice storms. A bitter tea made from their needles can be used to cure scurvy. Natural Habitat - North Western Coast of North America Wood Hardness - 540 |
Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)
Knowledge, truth, wisdom, leadership, focus, acquisition, protection and spirituality. Like maple, hickory can also produce a syrup. Hickory was also one of the woods used by Native Americans to make bows. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1880 |
Holly (Ilex opaca)
Purity, strength, logic, protection, power transfer, blocking unwanted forces and healing. Holly is the whitest wood in the world and is often associated with purity and the unicorn. Natural Habitat - South Eastern United States Wood Hardness - 1020 |
Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)
Luck, healing, wisdom, divination, clairvoyance and longevity. Also known as blue-beach, ironwood and musclewood, it derives its name from its hardness (likened to horn). There are myths that say hornbeam trees can live forever. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1780 |
Khaya (Khaya senegalensis)
Spirituality, divination, healing and guidance. Khaya wood is also known as African Mahogany. African herdmen often prune the tree in the dry season to feed cattle. The bark can also be used in the treatment of many ailments. Natural Habitat - West African Tropics Wood Hardness - 1070 |
Kingwood (Dalbergia cearensis)
Strength, protection, blocking unwanted forces, spirituality, clarity, healing, luck, divination and willpower. Kingwood was once the most valuable wood in the world. So much so that only Princes and Kings could acquire it. Natural Habitat - South America Wood Hardness - 3340 |
Koa (Acacia koa)
Balance, creativity, wisdom, strength, perseverance, integrity, protection and bravery. Koa was traditional used to build canoes, spears and paddles, and is Hawaii's most endemic tree species. Natural Habitat - Hawaiian Islands Wood Hardness - 1170 |
Lacewood (Cardwellia sublimis)
Divination and luck, but good for any ritual or spell work. This Australian wood is also known as Silky Oak and is often used as decorative wood in panelling, fine furniture and flooring. Lacewood is almost exclusively quarter sawn to enhance its 'lacy' appearance. Natural Habitat - Queensland Australia Wood Hardness - 710 |
Larch (Larix larcina)
Resilience, tolerance, perseverance, rebirth, healing, strength and vibrance. Natural Habitat - Northern North America Wood Hardness - 830 |
Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale)
Healing, strength, divination, spirituality and protection. Lignum Vitae is one of the hardest woods in the world. It is twice as hard as rosewood, and over three times harder than white oak. Natural Habitat - Caribbean and Northern South America Wood Hardness - 4500 |
Black Limba (Terminalia superba)
Defence, hexing, charm, tolerance and healing. Limba trees are frequently struck by lightning due to its extreme size. The wood is highly cultivated from sustainable plantations and often used in the making of high end musical instruments. Natural Habitat - West African Tropics Wood Hardness - 670 |
Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Protection, binding, physical enchantments, prosperity and strength. The wood of the Black Locust is one of the hardest in North America. It is also one of the few trees that grows well in urban areas as it can grow in poor soil conditions and can tolerate heavy levels of pollution. Natural Habitat - South Eastern United States Wood Hardness - 1700 |
Fijian Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Growth, fertility, divination and Protection. Both Fijian and South American Mahogany are the exact same species. It is grown in and around Fiji as a plantation crop for greater sustainability. Natural Habitat - South America & The Caribbean Wood Hardness - 900 |
Birds Eye Maple (Acer saccharum)
Spirituality, healing, cleansing, intelligence, knowledge, focus, communication, binding, love and prosperity. It is unknown was causes the swirling 'bird's eye' pattern in the wood. The majority of the wood comes from trees surrounding the Great Lakes. Natural Habitat - Great Lakes region of North America Wood Hardness - 1450 |
Curly Maple (Acer saccharum)
Spirituality, healing, cleansing, intelligence, knowledge, focus, communication, binding, love and prosperity. The 'curl' in curly maple comes from a variation in the wood fibers, giving it a wavy three dimensional look. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1450 |
Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)
Spirituality, healing, cleansing, intelligence, knowledge, focus, communication, binding, love and prosperity. The national symbol of Canada, it is one of the most prominent trees in North America. Maple is also known as the ‘traveler’s wood’. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1450 |
English Oak (Quercus robur)
Protection, strength, knowledge, prosperity, truth, bravery, focus, leadership, healing, love, vitality and wisdom. The Celts believed oaks to be the tree of doors, gateways between worlds. Natural Habitat - The British Isles, Europe and Western Asia Wood Hardness - 1120 |
Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
Protection, strength, knowledge, prosperity, truth, bravery, focus, leadership, healing, love, vitality and wisdom. Oaks are the national tree of England, France, Germany, Poland and the US. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1220 |
White Oak (Quercus alba)
Protection, strength, knowledge, prosperity, truth, bravery, focus, leadership, healing, love, vitality and wisdom. White oak is the only wood in the world that can hold a liquid. It has been used for centuries in the making of wine and whiskey barrels. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 1350 |
Russian Olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
Perseverance, healing, spirituality and love. Russian Olive is one of the seven items used in 'Haft Seen', or the seven 'S's, the table setting of Nowruz, the Persian New Year. Natural Habitat - Western and Central Asia Wood Hardness - 1240 |
Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera)
Blocking unwanted forces, spirituality, communication, love, healing, summoning and protection. Osage Orange is named after the Native Americans of the Osage Nation. It was prized for it use in bow making. Natural Habitat - Eastern Texas Wood Hardness - 2620 |
Ovangkol (Guibourtia ehie)
Insight, intelligence, logic, knowledge, focus, charm and healing. Also known as Shedua, Mozambique, and Benge, it is a well balanced wood that focuses on the mind. It is a substitute for Rosewood and also used in the making of guitars. Natural Habitat - West African Tropics Wood Hardness - 1330 |
Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii)
Chaos, healing, summoning and vitality. Leaves from the Padauk can be eaten as a leaf vegetable and contain large amounts of vitamin C. Natural Habitat - West Africa Wood Hardness – 1970 |
Pau Amarello (Euxylophora paraensis)
Luck, meditation, healing, spirituality, creativity and protection. Also known as Yellowheart, Pau Amarello is somewhat chaotic in nature. Despite this, it is generally a positive wood as it is highly influenced by luck. Natural Habitat - South America Wood Hardness - 1790 |
American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
Protection, love, healing and luck. Eating unripened persimmon fruit have been known to cause bezoars. It is believed that one can forecast winter snowfall by cutting open a persimmon and 'reading' it's seeds. Natural Habitat - South Eastern United States Wood Hardness – 2300 |
Northern White Pine (Pinus strobus)
Healing, cleansing, purity, vitality, protection and growth. The symbolic Iroquois 'Tree of Peace' is a Northern White Pine. It is also the Provincial Tree of Ontario and State Trees of Maine and Michigan. Its needles contain 5 times more vitamin C than lemons and can be used in teas. Natural Habitat - Eastern North America Wood Hardness - 380 |
European Plum (Prunus domestica)
Healing, protection, peace, love, creativity, blocking unwanted forces and focus. It is believed that plums were one of the first fruits domesticated by modern humans. Natural Habitat - Eastern Europe Wood Hardness - 1550 |
Black Poisonwood (Metopium brownie)
Protection, blocking unwanted forces, clarity, protection and positivity. Also know as 'Chechen', it is related to Sumac and Poison Ivy. The sap turns black and can cause severe allergic reactions. Natural Habitat - Central America Wood Hardness - 2250 |
Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Spirituality, blocking unwanted forces, divination, change, rebirth, summoning, wealth, willpower and protection. Wands made of poplar are very diverse and are a good ‘all-purpose’ wand. Yellow Poplar are the tallest trees that grow in Eastern North America. They are also known as Tulip Trees, or Tulip Magnolias. Natural Habitat - Eastern United States & Southern Ontario Wood Hardness - 540 |
Purpleheart (Peltogyne pubescens)
Spirituality, divination, knowledge, healing and protection. Purpleheart trees can reach heights of 150 feet with a diameter of 5 feet. When first cut Purpleheart is often brown. It does not achieve its full purple colour until exposed to sunlight. However, too much exposure darkens the wood and it looses its richness. Natural Habitat - Central & South America Wood Hardness - 2520 |
Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
Protection, longevity, wisdom, strength, creativity and enlightenment. Redwood trees are among the largest and oldest living organisms on the planet. They can reach heights of nearly 400 feet and live for almost 2000 years. Natural Habitat - Northern California - Southern Oregon Wood Hardness - 450 |
East Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia)
Spirituality, Divination, love, healing, change, truth and blocking unwanted forces. Highly valued for its wood, East Indian Rosewood trees are now grown in plantations. Natural Habitat - India, Sri Lanka & Indonesia Wood Hardness - 2440 |
Honduran Rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii)
Spirituality, love, healing, change, creativity and blocking unwanted forces. Rosewood is one of the most prized woods in the world. Its beautiful look and feel is excellent for carving, turning, instrument making, boxes, furniture and luxury flooring. Natural Habitat - Central America Wood Hardness - 2200 |
Rowan (Sorbus americana/aucuparia)
Protection, defense, blocking unwanted forces, divination, clairvoyance, strength, spirituality and healing. Rowan trees have a long tradition in European mythology and folklore as a very magical tree, with great powers in protection. Rowan is often called 'Mountain Ash', however it is not part of the ash family. Natural Habitat - Cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere Wood Hardness – 1690 |
Sapele (Entandrophragma cylindricum)
Spirituality, healing, divination and growth. Sapele is an excellent alternative to mahogany, as many mahogany species are now endangered. Natural Habitat - African Tropics Wood Hardness - 1410 |
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Healing, cleansing and blocking unwanted forces. Native Americans and early North American settlers considered sassafras to be a ‘cure-all’. Sassafras leaves and fruit are an important food source for many wildlife animals and birds including deer, black bears, ground hogs and rabbits. Natural Habitat - Eastern United States & Southern Ontario Wood Hardness - 630 |
Sumac (Rhus typhina)
Cleansing, healing, harmony, creativity, focus and luck. Sumac traces it name from Medieval Latin and Arabic meaning red. Native Americans used sumac berries to make a lemon flavoured summer time refreshing drink and a warm soothing winter tea. Natural Habitat - North Eastern US & South Eastern Canada Wood Hardness - 680 |
American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
Divination, harmony, prosperity, strength and love. Sycamores are one of the oldest species of tree on earth. They once made up a large part of the forests of Greenland and Northern Canada during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. They are easily distinguished by their 'patchwork' bark. Natural Habitat - Eastern United States & Southern Ontario Wood Hardness - 770 |
European Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Divination, harmony, prosperity, strength and love. Part of the Maple family, the European Sycamore has a long history in the folklore of Europe and the British Isles. In Scotland, it was the tree of choice for hangings, as the bottom branches were able to support the weight of the hanged. Natural Habitat - Europe Wood Hardness - 1050 |
Teak (Tectona grandis)
Protection, blocking unwanted forces, growth, spirituality, healing and leadership. Teak is know for is extreme resistance to decay and pests. It is widely used in outdoor furniture, buildings and boats. Natural Habitat - South and South East Asia Wood Hardness - 1070 |
Tulipwood (Dalbergia decipularis)
Creativity, intuition, beauty, nature, divination, peace and calmness, but also powerful and proud. Tulipwood is often confused with wood from the Tulip Tree, (Liriodendron tulipifera), also known as Yellow Poplar. True Tulipwood is part of the Rosewood family and is an extremely valuable luxury hardwood. Natural Habitat - Brazil Wood Hardness - 2500 |
Verawood (Bulnesia arborea/sarmientoi)
Healing, strength, divination, spirituality and protection. Also know as Argentinian Lignum Vitae, Verawood and true Lignum Vitae are extremely similar in both appearance and properties. Unlike Lignum Vitae, Verawood turns a rich green colour when exposed to sunlight. Natural Habitat - South America Wood Hardness - 4000 |
Andean Walnut (Juglans neotropica)
Cleansing, healing, spirituality, focus, insight and protection. Also known as Nogal, Andean Walnut trees are very similar to their Northern counterparts. Natural Habitat - North Western South America Wood Hardness – 1080 |
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
Cleansing, healing, spirituality, focus, insight and protection. Black walnut trees are notorious for preventing the growth of other plants. Early settlers used the outer part of the walnut to dye their hair dark brown and black. Natural Habitat - Eastern United States & Southern Ontario Wood Hardness - 1010 |
White Walnut (Juglans cinerea)
Wisdom, truth, creativity, wealth, luck and enchantments. Also called 'Butternut' early settlers used the bark to dye homespun cloth ranging from light yellow to dark brown. Extracts were also made to prevent smallpox and treat dysentery. Natural Habitat - North East United States and South East Canada Wood Hardness - 490 |
Wenge (Millettia laurentii)
Focus, wisdom, protection, healing and blocking unwanted forces. The bark of the wenge tree can be ground into a powder and used to stun fish for harvesting. Natural Habitat - African Tropics Wood Hardness - 1930 |
Black Willow (Salix nigra)
Divination, change, rebirth, healing, enchantments, enlightenment, love and spirituality. Willow is believed to be one of the only woods perfectly aligned for magical use. Bark of the willow tree contains salicylic acid, a precursor to Aspirin. Natural Habitat - Eastern and South Western United States & Southern Ontario Wood Hardness - 430 |
Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica)
Divination, change, rebirth, healing, enchantments, enlightenment, love and spirituality. Willow is believed to be one of the only woods perfectly aligned for magical use. Weeping willow is also know as Babylon willow. Natural Habitat - Northern China Wood Hardness ~ 400 |
Western Yew (Taxus brevifolia)
Focus, knowledge, protection, blocking unwanted forces, love and spirituality. The hardest 'Softwood' in the world, it is harder than Ash, Maple and Oak. Yew is also known as the 'Tree of Death' and the 'Witches Wood' in Europe. Natural Habitat - North Western Coast of North America Wood Hardness - 1600 |
Zebrawood (Microberlinia brazzavillensis)
Creativity, wisdom, divination, love and luck. Zebrawood is named for its contrasting light and dark striped pattern. It is also one of the few woods not recommended for healing. Natural Habitat - West African Tropics Wood Hardness - 1830 |
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